This weekend the Silver Lake Express took us on a scary ride. The train tracks are lined with creepy characters and chilling scenes. It was the third annual Ghost Train event and we are lucky enough to live next door. Here are a few pictures from the scary ride.
We were absolutely thrilled this weekend to welcome Kim to NH. She definitely chose a great weekend. The foliage was top notch and the weather cooperated. We tried to fit as much entertainment as possible in to the weekend. Ben and Kim went hiking and apple picking on Friday and then we all went to the Fryeburg Fair on Saturday. The weekend continued with a trip to camp and another hike on Sunday and then a trip to North Conway for a hike and the best lobster roll ever on Monday. Highlights from the fair: the animals, the food, and the races where uncle Blaine wins the trifecta. Highlights from the hikes.
We had a great trip to Montreal this weekend. Ben had corrective eye surgery and it went very well. He is very happy with the results and the picture below is the only shot I took of Ben without glasses or eye shields. . . yes he is on the pot. Kadin made the trip to the big city as well and it was fun to have her with us.