Monday, May 24, 2010

A Beautiful Weeekend

The weekend began with Ben's maiden voyage in the new Sunfish. He stayed upright and came home with a big smile. While he sailed I made my first strawberry-rhubarb pie.

The Gordons have new hiking boots so we took the boots out for a spin on Mt Kearsarge. It was a beautiful day for a hike, although everyone struggled not to go "bug-crazy". The blackflies were definitely out.

On Sunday the boys took the dogs on a Mt bike ride behind the house.
We thought that would finish Kadin off, but she came home ready for frisbee.


  1. where did you get those fantastic mountain bike shoes? They are tony the tiger.

  2. some one should send that picture to Asolo to get a discount on their next pair of boots.

  3. I like to blog about my ideals, like socialism.
