Well the snow keeps falling and I think that Ben is actually enjoying all this snow removal. I had the day off from school yesterday so I had to stay after the shoveling or I would have felt incredibly guilty about sitting around all day and letting Ben take care of it after work. I went out for three rounds of shoveling and then Ben came in with Noel's snow blower and took care of the leftovers. There is not a much more beautiful sight than that of the fresh fallen snow
A weekend in Bean-town The Men Chillaxin' at Home Watchin' Planet Earth on the Big Screen while the Ole' Ladies Are Out Shopin' Crystal made a delicious dinner and then we were off to the game. You don't need to look too closely at the score and yep, it got worse.
Finally I am starting to make some new friends here in New England. Does it really matter that they are in high school? Time to forget about the score of the game and ski!! While reading the cross-country skiing manuals in order to stop embarrassing myself in front of Rachael, they never talked about or illustrated how to cross a tree bridge. Much to the disappointment of the onlookers, I made it. If you can't fix it, duck it. If you can't duck it . . .
This is not the most exciting moment we had on skis, unfortunately we didn't capture any of the numerous diggers over the weekend.
Happy Birthday Jacob! Hope you have a wonderful day! The next picture is a little gross. Jacob's knee post surgery. Hope you are feeling well enough to get out for a bit, but don't over do it.
Just a few pics of the latest storm Ben gets a lesson in snow blowing . . . He's already thinking about the deal he might find on a snow blower of his own at the end of the winta'
It all began late Sunday afternoon after a long ski across silver lake. Ben has been wanting to build a quinzhee since he came back from a trip to Colorado before we ever met. We finally have enough snow, now that we are in the frozen North. The project begins. . .
Day turns to night and we have finally piled and packed enough snow. Now the snow must have time to set. We leave our snow home for the night. Tomorrow will bring more shoveling as it will be time to tunnel our way in to the middle. Don't worry mom, Ben says it is perfectly safe. He will be the mole and I will be in charge of clearing the snow that comes out.
The videos are very short. We still need to get a new memory card for our new camera, which has been lots of fun to have, thanks Kim! Ben is jamming to the music while washing the dishes.
Well my guilt has turned to worry. I worry that Ben is going to drive right by the job site and keep going until he reaches Boone or Naples. It's cold!!
We have a condensation problem on several windows in the house. This is the first time that this has happened, the frost is on the inside. Yikes!